dan sesiapa mempunyai software google earth.... anda hanya memerlukan satu file untuk APRS digunakan dalam software google earth bagi memantau station APRS kita tak kira mana jua...sama ada di Malaysia atau diluar negara...cara untuk melihat Station APRS itu anda perlu lihat diatas peta Malaysia dan tunggu beberapa saat sehingga Station APRS muncul atas peta di dalam software google earth tersebut... selamat mencuba...dan mengkaji jenis komunikasi APRS (Automatic Packet Radio System) Sila download dahulu software APRS yang ingin digunakan di dalam software google earth Click link dibawah ini untuk download file APRS in google earth http://perlis.marts.org.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=31
all the best... selamat enjoy dalam hobi radio amatur....
Fm 9W2PD-9 To P2SUZL Via WIDE1*,WIDE2-1 <UI pid=F0 Len=16 >[01:12:05] `mMf !bk/]"4#}=
Fm 9W2RUT To APRS Via RS0ISS-4* <UI pid=F0 Len=65 >[01:12:09] =0313.25N/10137.13E&Weerut-Gate 145.825,I-Gate 144.390 {UISS52}
Fm RS0ISS-4 To CQ Via SGATE <UI pid=F0 Len=51 >[01:12:11] >ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on)
Fm 9M2CJ To CQ Via RS0ISS-4* <UI pid=F0 Len=33 >[01:12:46] Welcome to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Fm 9W2LPQ To CQ Via RS0ISS-4* <UI pid=F0 Len=32 >[01:12:51] LN0QSLs :9M4GGL-3,9W2ZKG,9M2CJ
Fm 9M2AUR-9 To CQ Via WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 <UI pid=F0 Len=27 >[01:13:27]
Assalamualaikum Salam Sejahtera
Ini adalah satu jenis komunikasi digital yang terdapat dalam sistem APRS.... Kod diatas adalah jenis packet data yang dihantar ke ISS menggunakan software UISS.
Peralatan yang diperlukan untuk komunikasi packet data ke ISS: 1. Komputer 2. Transciever VHF (tak kira handy pun boleh.....) 3. Interface dari transciever ke Komputer
Itu Saja setakat ini...sekian.... Seperti apa yang saya kata voice atau suara yang biasa kita guna untuk komunikasi (QSO) baru dalam 2 - 5 peratus(%) sahaja yang terdapat dalam hobi radio amatur ini.Banyak lagi jenis komunikasi lain yang ada yang mana kita tak nampak...so terpulang pada anda semua sama ada ingin mendalaminya atau tidak... Selamat Berjaya dalam mencuba jenis2 komunikasi yang ada...... 73's de 9m2aur SALAM
Setakat nie yang tahu 9W2LLK - 9M2GET 9W2YEH - 9M2YAS 9W2IBR - 9M2IBR 9W2FCC - 9M2ONE 9W2JEN - 9M2JEN
Tahniah...dan jangan takut2 untuk ke 40M...cuba2 beranikan diri...dan jangan takut dari kesilapan...see you on 40M
yang lain2 masih belum dapat berita lagi.. 9w2mzr dan beberapa rakan lagi...
dan yang gagal...jangan mudah putus asa..saya sendiri ambil CW test 2 kali...dengan yang pertama kali ambil saya letakkan penuh harapan..tapi apakan daya ini adalah nasib..dan usaha kita...dimana kita dapat mengetahui tahap kemampuan kita hanya baru separuh jalan..so usaha dan teruskan untuk kita dapat sepenuhnya dalam CW ini... All the best 73 de 9m2aur WASSalam
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio based system for real time tactical digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area. In addition, all such data is ingested into the APRS Internet system (APRS-IS) and distributed globally for instant access. In addition to messages, alerts, announcements and bulletins, the most visible aspect of APRS is its map display. Anyone may place any object or information on their map and it is distributed to all maps of all users in the local RF network or monitoring the area via the internet. Any station, radio or object that has an attached GPS is automatically tracked. Other prominent map features are weather stations, alerts and objects and other map related amateur radio volunteer activities including Search and Rescue and signal direction finding.
APRS has been developed since the late 80's by Bob Bruninga, callsignWB4APR, currently a senior research engineer at the United States Naval Academy. The acronym "APRS" was derived from his callsign. In the 1990s as GPS excitement dominated many new applications, the "P" was often referred to as "Position" instead of the original "Packet". This skewed the perception of APRS as only a vehicle tracking system. Recently, the community has emphasized the term "packet" in the name, as the system's use and capabilities are far more robust.
Network Overview
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is a digital communications protocol for exchanging information between a large number of stations covering a large (local) area. As a multi-user data network, it is quite different from conventional packet radio. Rather than using connected data streams where stations connect to each other and packets are acknowledged and retransmitted if lost, APRS operates entirely in an unconnected broadcast fashion, using unnumbered AX.25 frames. APRS packets are transmitted for all other stations to hear and use. Packet repeaters, called digipeaters, form the backbone of the APRS system, and use store and forward technology to retransmit packets. All stations operate on the same radio channel, and packets move through the network from digipeater to digipeater, propagating outward from their point of origin. All stations within radio range of each digipeater receive the packet. At each digipeater, the packet path is changed. The packet will only be repeated through a certain number of digipeaters -or hops- depending upon the all important "PATH" setting. Digipeaters keep track of the packets they forward for a period of time, thus preventing duplicate packets from being retransmitted. This keeps packets from circulating in endless loops inside the ad-hoc network. Eventually most packets are heard by an APRS Internet Gateway, called an IGate, and the packets are routed on to the Internet APRS backbone (where duplicate packets heard by other IGates are discarded) for display or analysis by other users connected to an APRS-IS server, or on a website designed for the purpose. While it would seem that using unconnected and unnumbered packets without acknowledgment and retransmission on a shared and sometimes congested channel would result in poor reliability due to a packet being lost, this is not the case due to the fact that the packets are transmitted (broadcast) to everyone, and multiplied many times over by each digipeater. This means that all digipeaters and stations in range get a copy, and then proceed to broadcast it to all other digipeaters and stations within their range. The end result is that packets are multiplied more than they are lost. Therefore, packets can sometimes be heard some distance from the originating station. Packets can be digipeated several tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers depending on the height and range of the digipeaters in the area.
Positions / Objects APRS contains only four packet types, Position/objects, Status, Messages and Queries. The Position/object packets contain the latitude and longitude, and a symbol to be displayed on the map, and have many optional fields for altitude, course, speed, radiated power, antenna height above average terrain, antenna gain, and voice operating frequency. The map display uses these fields to plot communication range of all participants and facilitate the ability to contact users during both routine and emergency situations. Each position/object packet can use any of several hundred different symbols. Position/objects can also contain weather information or can be any number of dozens of standardized weather symbols. Each symbol on an APRS map can display many attributes discriminated either by color or other technique. These attributes are:
Moving or fixed
Dead-Reckoned or old
Message capable or not
Station or object
Own object or other station object
Emergency, priority, or special
The Status packet is free-field format that lets each station announce his current mission or application or contact information or any other information or data of immediate use to surrounding activities. The message packet can be used for point-to-point messages, bulletins, announcements or even email. Bulletins and Announcements are treated specially and displayed on a single "community Bulletin board". This community bulletin board is fixed size and all bulletins from all posters are sorted onto this display. The intent of this display is to be consistent and identical for all viewers so that all participants are seeing the same information at the same time. Since lines are sorted onto the display, then individual posters can edit, update, or delete individual lines of their bulletins at any time to keep the bulletin board up-to-date to all viewers.
All APRS messages are delivered live in real-time to on-line recipients. Messages are not stored and forwarded, but retried until timed out. The delivery of these messages is global, since the APRS-IS distributes all packets to all other igates in the world and those that are messages will actually go back to RF via any IGate that is near the intended recipient.
A special case message can be sent to EMAIL and these messages are pulled off the real-time APRS-IS by the WU2Z Email engine and wrapped into a standard Internet Email protocol and forwarded into regular internet email.
In its simplest implementation, APRS is used to transmit real-time data, information and reports of the exact location of a person or object via a data signal sent over amateur radio frequencies. In addition to real-time position reporting capabilities using attached Global Positioning System receivers, APRS is also capable of transmitting a wide variety of data, including weather reports, short text messages, radio direction finding bearings, telemetry data, short e-mail messages (send only) and storm forecasts. Once transmitted, these reports can be combined with a computer and mapping software to show the transmitted data superimposed with great precision upon a map display.
While the map plotting is the most visible feature of APRS, the text messaging capabilities and local information distribution capabilities combined with the robust network should not be overlooked; the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management has an extensive network of APRS stations to allow text messaging between all of the county Emergency Operating Centers in the event of the failure of conventional communications.
An extensive digital repeater, or "digipeater" network provides transport for APRS packets on these frequencies. Internet gateway stations (IGates) connect the on-air APRS network to the APRS Internet System (APRS-IS), which serves as a worldwide, high-bandwidth backbone for APRS data. Stations can tap into this stream directly, and a number of databases connected to the APRS-IS allow web-based access to the data as well as more advanced data mining capabilities. A number of low-earth orbitingsatellites and the International Space Station are capable of relaying APRS data.
Equipment Settings
An APRS infrastructure comprises a variety of Terminal Node Controller (TNC) equipment put in place by individual Amateur Radio operators. This includes soundcards interfacing a radio to a computer, simple TNCs, and "smart" TNCs. The "smart" TNCs are capable of determining what has already happened with the packet (unit of information) and can prevent redundant packet repeating within the network.
Reporting stations use a method of routing called a "path" to broadcast the information through a network. In a typical packet network, a station would use a path of known stations such as "via n8xxx,n8ary." This causes the packet to be repeated through the two stations before it stops. In APRS, generic callsigns are assigned to repeater stations to allow a more automatic operation.
RECOMMENDED PATH: Throughout North America (and in many other regions) the recommended path for mobiles or portable stations is now WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1. Fixed Stations (homes, etc.) should not normally use a path routing if they don't need to be digipeated outside of their local area (and most don't).Otherwise a path of WIDE2-2 or less should be used as requirements dictate. This path actually reflects the routing of packets via the radio component of APRS, and fixed stations should carefully consider their choice of path routing(s) to avoid unncessary RF clutter outside of their local VHF listening area.
OLD PATH: Early on, the widely accepted method of configuring stations was to enable the short-range stations to repeat packets requesting a path of "RELAY" and long-range stations were configured to repeat both "RELAY" and "WIDE" packets. This was accomplished by setting the station's MYALIAS setting to RELAY or WIDE as needed. This resulted in a path of RELAY,WIDE for reporting stations. However, there was no duplicate packet checking or alias substitution. This sometimes caused beacons to "ping pong" back and forth instead of propagating outwards from the source. This caused lots of interference. With no alias substitution, you couldn't tell which digipeaters a beacon had used.
NEW PATH: With the advent of the new "smart" TNC's, the stations that used to be "WIDE" are now "WIDEn-N." This means a packet with a path of WIDE2-2 would be repeated through the first station as WIDE2-2, but the path will be modified (decremented) to WIDE2-1 for the next station to repeat. The packet stops being repeated when the "-N" portion of the path reaches "-0." This new protocol has caused the old RELAY and WIDE paths to become obsolete. Digi operators are being asked to re-configure fill-in "RELAY" stations to instead respond to WIDE1-1. This results in a new, more efficient path of WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1. While most of the world has adopted the "new WIDEn-N" settings, there is an ongoing debate in the UK about the subject. The goal should be universal settings that will work everywhere.
Available Equipment
There are a few radios on the market which include a built-in AX.25 Terminal Node Controller and APRS software, and are capable of working with or without the need for an external GPS device. Three common models are the mobile Kenwood TM-D700A, its replacement, the Kenwood TM-D710A and the handheld Kenwood TH-D7A(G). Yaesu has also recently entered the APRS market with their VX-8R handheld.
The HamHUD integrates a display for viewing the position of other stations and weather reports, and a means of sending and receiving APRS messages, and an interface for a GPS receiver. It started out in 1997 as a homebrew device, but more recently, kits have been available from time to time. It connects to a TNC which is in turn connected to a radio. The Alinco DR-135T is popular as the internally mounted T2-135 can be used with it, reducing the number of items that need to be connected together. SmartBeaconing was developed for the HamHUD by Tony Arnerich and Steve Bragg. It varies the beacon rate based on speed, and adds corner pegging. SmartBeaconing has also been adopted by the TinyTrak and the OpenTracker series.
The RTrak combined an OpenTracker 1+ and a GPS receiver along with a low power transmitter in one package. The original units produced 500 mW, but the current version puts out 350 mW.
Byonics has introduced an all-in-one device combining a GPS receiver, TinyTrak controller and synthesized 2m radio called the Micro Trak AIO which requires no assembly by the user.
ArgentData now has a 5-Watt VHF Transceiver with Integrated Tracker2 in one compact package. With a non-display GPS receiver connected, the T2-301 can be used as a tracker. With compatible display-type GPS receiver, received position reports can be output as waypoints. With a Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS receiver connected, it can send and receive APRS messages as well as display other stations as wayoints. The Nuvi 350 can be used this way with a stand-alone Tracker 2 (OT2m) or connected to a T2-135 which mounts in an Alinco DR-135 radio. The T2-301 can also be used as a stand-alone digipeater. Just connect an antenna and power, and program it, and it's ready to go.
The aprs SkyTracker is an APRS Beacon at 144.800Mhz which includes a 8W RF Transmitter, programmable PIC & u-bloc GPS receiver all on one 72x56mm PCB.
Online Data
Much of the data transmitted over APRS can also be seen on the Internet. For a sample of what's available, enter the callsign of NJ2EM to see APRS activity in New Jersey. You can also zoom out to see activity and stations in other areas.
Bob Bruninga implemented the earliest ancestor of APRS on an Apple II computer in 1982. This early version was used to map high frequency Navy position reports. In 1984, Bruninga developed a more advanced version on a Commodore VIC-20 for reporting the position and status of horses in a 100-mile endurance run. During the next two years, Bruninga continued to develop the system, which he now called the Connectionless Emergency Traffic System (CETS). Following a series of FEMA exercises using CETS, the system was ported to the IBM PC. During the early 1990s, CETS, now known as the Automatic Position Reporting System, continued to evolve into its current form. As GPS technology became more widely available, 'Position' was replaced with 'Packet' to better describe the more generic capabilities of the system and to emphasize its uses beyond mere position reporting.
Related systems
The APRS protocol has been adapted and extended to support projects not directly related to its original purpose. The most notable of these are the FireNet and PropNET projects.
APRS FireNet is an Internet-based system using the APRS protocol and much of the same client software to provide fire fighting, earthquake, and weather information in much higher volume and detail than the traditional APRS system is capable of carrying.
PropNET uses the APRS protocol over AX.25 and PSK31 to study radio frequency propagation. PropNET 'probes' transmit position reports, along with information on transmitter power, elevation, and antenna gain, at various frequencies to allow monitoring stations to detect changes in propagation conditions.
Open Trac was created to provide an alternative to APRS that was cleaner and more functional than APRS.
This is my first project and with my APRS friends 9W2RUT(MY homebrewer tracker hi hi), 9W2AZV, 9w2PD(my racun friend ha ha) ,9M2ARR ( to help buy GPS Garmin etrex H) and all of you help me to setup my APRS..
next post i try publish how to setup a APRS + equipment
dalam beberapa hari ini...saya sedang dok mengkaji lagi beberapa masalah dalaman diri seseorang dengan sesuatu perkara yang simple..tapi dirumitkan...
saya malas nak cerita masalah ape... kadang2 cerita semula buat menyakitkan hati...
so saya juga dah tahu kenapa CIKGU Rahman Merajuk...dan bleh dikatakan tiap2 hari dok chat dengan dia...so dia dah cerita kesemuanya... dan saya pikir2 kan semula...pun ada betulnya...walaupun ada salahnya juga... dan tadi QSO di ASTRA sama seseorang pun saya membincangkan masalah..dan saya dah luahkan hati saya semua pada abg saya tu...dan dalam masa yang sama ada seorang mamat mesej pada saya...dan mengatakan sesuatu yang membuat kan saya....................................................................................................................
apa kata saya cuba say good bye to this hobby...apa pendapat rakan2....?kadang2 dok pikir2 macam bodoh jer saya nie...kadang2 dok layan...best gak...tapi kadang2 menyakitkan hati..kadang2 buat saya tension...kadang2 buat saya marah kerana hobi nie..kadang2 saya menyampah sampai saya menyirap darah...dan terbang satu handy..pecah...tak sanggup nak amik gambar...nak tunjuk kawan2 pun tak sanggup....
saya pikir2 kan...itu baru lava di hujung gunung berapi..hanya sesekali jer dia membuak...tapi sekali lagi dia membuak... RIG HF plak akan terbang...untuk lepaskan geram...setakat nie...dan 1 jam suiz and plug untuk power supply radio di tutup..malah dicabut..saya tengok berapa lama bleh tahan....
buat 9W2OZA kalo baca nie..ko jangan ambil hati... aku nak ko habis kan belajar yang paling penting iaitu SPM ko dulu...dan kemudian baru aku akan bantu ko...kalo nak ajar2 skit2...tu bleh lah..tapi by email jer..melalui radio,atau apa2 kaitan komunikasi..kecuali telefon tak akan dilayan...
itu saja...setakat ini... saya tengok cam ner perasaan saya untuk hari nie dan seterusnya... 73
de 9m2aur
tengok malam nie ape cerita MENGENAI TOPIK perbincangan di ASTRA...kalo tak kena di hati aku...maksud aku..program tu tak best...aku stop buat seketika dengan hobi nie...dan aku akan kembali bila hati aku reda....INSYALLAH....
arrrrr.....baru rasa lega nak menaip, dalam post kali nie saya berasa seronok dimana Kayuhan kali ke dua saya ikut dengan PRADAS ini yang mana agak dekat sedikit tapi banyak pengajaran yang saya belajar..cuma effect pada kesihatan saya juga..dimana tak tido lebih dari 24JAM dan terus ikut dia orang kayuh...sama juga Kayuhan PRADAS yang pertama...padan muka saya sendiri..sakit macam2...sape suruh cari penyakit..
ok Perjalanan saya kali ini Jam 5 pagi dan barunya bermula HUJAN yang sungguh lebat di Rumah terus naikkan basikal ke atas kereta 9W2ENE-bang Zaini(EiNE) dan terus ke rumah 9W2LLR untuk ambil beliau dan menaikkan basikal beliau yang frame baru (SCOTT tuuu...) dalam hujan yang lebat...ALHAMDULILLAH sesudah naikkan basikal dan check semua ikatan pada bracket basikal..terus masuk kedalam kereta yang agak basah...dan terus kan perjalanan ke PUTRAJAYA untuk mengikuti acara Kayuhan PRADAS 2 ke Melaka.sebelum sampai nasib baik kami singgah di RNR NILAI..dok pekena nasi Lemak bungkui...hampir2 kena sakit perut...tapi malas nak bukak seluar ketat(seluar basikal) terus sampai ke PUTRAJAYA..mula2 tengok ramainyer pengayuh2 yang datang...tapi bila dah jumpa kaki kayuh yang saya pernah berkayuh dengan beliau semasa Kayuhan PRADAS 1..rasa lega hati..iaitu 9w2YR,9m2??,9w2??? Hamzah...pastu geng TV pun datang,member gak tu 9w2CKH and the geng..dan ramai lagi..tujuan saya turut serta kerana nak jumpa seseorang dalam PRADAS ini...dapat pun jumpa beliau..so dah tahu semua cerita masalah isu yang terbaru tentang HAM di MALAYSIA ini yang buat seseorang ini MERAJUK....
ok cerita dulu Kayuhan ini...dimana kami bermula kayuh lebih kurang jam 8.30 Pagi...dan terus ke Kota WARISAN...ingat plak rakan lama saya 9w2A?L...tapi tak dan nak call dia...dia pun dah lama senyap..ntah ape kena ntah...so berhenti check point pertama...sungguh seronok dimana jarak kali ini boleh dikatakan bersesuaian dengan event kayuh ini...cuma agak lama juga berhenti..sempat pekena sebatang...fuis..! fuiss!! LAYAN....!!!!
teruskan kayuh ke SEPANG..dan kami berhenti di check point ke-dua, dimana basikal semua diangkat untuk mengelakkan bukit Pelanduk yang agak tinggi.tapi masih ada lagi yang pengayuh2 nak tawan itu bukit...dapat saya eskot satu pengayuh dari Seri GOMBAK...dimana beliau terkejut ngan bukit itu yang agak tinggi..so dia pun cangkukkan tangan di kereta kami..dan saya saling membantu beliau untuk sampai ke check point berikutnya di LUKUT...sampai disana terus turunkan basikal...dan basikal frame SCOTT baru tu plak tayar lembik.owner dia lah tak nak pam dulu...so sempat pergi pam kat kedai tayar..nasib baik tokey kedai tu sporting..
kemudian kami teruskan kayuh ke BT. ompek (Batu 4) Teluk Kemang,PD pada check point berikutnya..ketika itu matahari telah hampir tegak di atas kepala..saya masih lagi mampu untuk berkayuh ke check point berikutnya..kerana saya telah nekad untuk habis kayuh dalam event kali ini...apabila sampai di check point Teluk Kemang..ada makan tengahari dan dapat den berjumpo ngan warigh den 9w2TBD...yang den selalu QSO ngan dio tu ah...hehehehe...sambil dapatkan minuman...apabila badan agak reda..terus santap makanan yang telah disediakan...habis plak tu...sebelum makan tu ada 2 orang pengayuh OKU(Orang Kurang Upaya) pun turut makan sebelah saya..saya tak pasti adakah beliau itu cacat pelihatan sepenuhnya atau pun rabun...so seronok makan di dampingi dua orang pengayuh OKU ini.sempat saya sediakan kedua2 pengayuh OKU ini air SIRAP untuk beliau...sambil makan..sambil berborak dengan abg2 OKU nie...OK nie ada saya nak lepaskan perasaan saya sedikit..sewaktu kami sedang santap...ada seorang mamat nie..saya tak berapa kenal..tapi ada callsign amatur...dimana pada mulanya saya seronok berkayuh dengan beliau kerana sungguh peramah...tetapi sewaktu sedang kami santap itu bersama didampingi abg2 OKU saya ini saya terkilan dimana beliau mengatakan kayuhan ini seronok..cuma ada orang2 OKU yang mana agak tertinggal dibelakang..dan beliau agak tertekan kerana penat untuk berkayuh bersama mereka...dan kelihatan abg2 OKU saya ni berasa sedih sambil makan...ikutkan hati saya nak aje *&%#$@&* mamat nie....tapi dipikirkan faktor umur dan saya tidak mahu merosakkan majlis kayuh ini...saya sediakan tisu buat diri saya sendiri dan abg2 OKU saya itu untuk melegakan hati mereka...kemudian saya buat lawak kembali dan kata2 semangat buat abg2 OKU saya ni untuk santap semula dengan hati yang ceria seperti sedia kala...
*buat abg tu...saya harap anda memahami perasaan orang lain...sewaktu beliau mengata itu mungkin beliau tidak perasankan abg2 OKU saya sedang santap bersama beliau.tetapi dibelakang agak tersorok.jangan lupa abg2 OKU nie walaupun tidak dapat melihat..tapi mereka masih boleh mendengar...dan walaupun mereka ini golongan OKU iaitu semua mengenali *Orang Kurang Upaya*...tetapi mereka adalah golongan (Orang Kuat Usaha) ......
***walaupun mereka tak larat nak kayuh macam anda semua..tapi mereka masih ingin teruskan USAHA mereka untuk habiskan berkayuh...walaupun dengan basikal *TANDEM*.. so saya sendiri memahami dimana setiap orang ada cara masing2..dan maybe waktu itu stress dimana cuaca agak panas..dan paham2 lah kat PD..tepi pantai..memang lah panas LAUT tuuuu...tapi memahami lah perasaan orang lain...setiap orang ada kelebihan tersendiri..dan setiap orang ada kekurangan masing2...maybe hari ini, hari kita...tapi esok lusa..kita tak tahu...
ok..dah.... dah...nak menangis pun ada...menangis kerana terkilan...ada juga orang yang tak berperikamanusian dan tidak memahami perasaan orang lain...
Lagu sompek den ubah ngan 9w2YR dimano lagu APO DAK DIKATO (BLUES GANG) lirik diubah oleh Pak Yop dan saya...untuk menghilangkan raso ponek jo...maaf lah orang nogoie dan pencipto lagu tu ah...den ubah lirik eh..sowwyyy "Poie Kayuh,naik basikal..... tongah hari..sampai nogoiieeee.... apo dayo...naik basikal...apo nak dikato... sampai kek PD,nak makanlah nasiiii,..... yang milah buekkan.... "lopeh makan,nak kayuh laieee... poie Melako...jumpo Hang Jobat (Hang Jebat) bla...blaa.... blaaa... (maaf lain agak melampaoiiiiee... hi hi hi.... ok saya teruskan kayuhan pada jam 3,lebih kurang lah....untuk sampai kan kedestinasi seterusnya iaitu Kuala Linggi...dan sampai jer disana saya capai air sebotol...terus jumpa rakan saya hormati 9w2CKH dimana beliau bagi saya satu ubat untuk sapu supaya elakkan kaki kejang...best lah ubat tu..berangin jer...saya nak cari ubat tu..tapi tak ingat lak nama dia..9W2CKH kalo baca..tolong belikan saya satu...nanti saya bank-in duit eh...hehehehe dan difahami basikal diangkut lagi untuk mengejar masa ke Stadium Hang Jebat,Krubong Melaka untuk check point berikutnya...dan kayuhan bermula dari situ untuk terus sampai ke Hutan Rekeasi Ayer Keroh..dan menunggu rakan2 kayuhan dari Pelangi,JOHOR (Club Commercial Radio JB)..dimana saya dapat lepak bersama beberapa rakan ham dari MELAKA dan juga ada sorang mamat dari TAIPING..ntah cam ner dia bleh sesat dalam kayuh tu pun tak tahu..rupanya dia ikut dari stadium..siap bawa anak dia lagi...turut berkayuh bersama...
so jam 5.30PM rakan2 PELANGI sampai..dan teruskan berkayuh ke Litar go-kart di Ayer Keroh yang mana dirasmikan pada hari yang sama..sampai jer ada polis dan krew Litar itu suruh pengayuh2 masuk kedalam litar...sebelum masuk tu disambut oleh Ketua Menteri Melaka YAB DATUK SERI HAJI MOHD ALI BIN MOHD RUSTAM dan terus kayuh satu pusingan dalam track..sempat lumba dengan semua pengayuh sekali...tapi tak sempat nak dapat no. satu...sebab dah tak larat...hahahaha...
so itu saja ceritanya... maaf kali ini cerita pasal kayuh saya jer...tapi gambar belum dapat lagi...sebab saya tak bawa camera...nak cari gambar pada rakan2 saya yang amik gambar kayuhan PRADAS 2 ini...nanti saya masukkan...
thanks to PRADAS kerana memberi kesempatan pada saya untuk turut serta...dan INSYALLAH kalo dijemput lagi berkayuh...saya nak join lagi lah.dengar2 khabar angin sebelum menjelang Bulan Puasa kayuh ke pantai timur..so nak kumpui duit lah , sebab nak ikut kayuh tu..janji abg2 OKU saya tu ada...saya nak makan bersama abg2 OKU saya itu...selera lah makan bersama mereka...tak makan ngan YL pun takpa cam tu..
Oh lupa..pada MAK,AYAH saya...yang sponsor saya untuk sertai KAYUHAN nie...thanks to you Mak..SELAMAT Hari IBU...semoga panjang umor dan dimurahkan rezeki buat Ayah ku jua... 9W2ENE- yang sudi bawa kereta D-MAX dia...
73 de 9m2aur
P/s: lama tak cerita CW... saya nak kejar plak kepada CW'er yang akan duduki peperiksaan kod morse/cw test yang di jangkakan pada bulan sembilan nie...setakat nie ada 5 orang yang agak2 rajin tanya pada saya...tapi kalo dia senyap tak tahu ler...saya seronok batch sebelum nie dimana 9W2JEN , 9W2LLK , 9W2MZR dan beberapa lagi rakan yang selalu bertanyakan malah telefon saya...tapi bacth kali nie cam nak senyap jer..yang sorang pergi bercuti kat Pulau Pangkor..senyap juga..ada YL tu sorang pun manjang jer sibuk...kalo hang baca...jangan kecik hati nah...tak tau lah kalo hang nie hati kecik,telinga nifffiisss...cam aku....huhuhuhu